Monday, March 03, 2008

Ringcraft Classes Around Bristol

I've noticed a few visitors have come to my blog via a search for ringcraft classes so I thought it may be a good idea to put a few more contact details regarding the ones I have found. I know it's a bit late for Crufts but there is always next year!

The Burnham training classes are held on Monday nights and start at about 8.15pm. They are held in the scouts hut which is behind the rugby club house. The map below should help you to find it.

Another one has just started up again after taking a break for the winter. It is run in the village hall in Norton Malreward on Wednesday nights from 7.30pm.

Norton Malreward is a little village just past Whitchurch (going out of Bristol) off Norton Lane. Turn right by the children's park, into Norton lane, carry straight until the road forks and take the left fork. The hall is on the left near to the other end of the village.
Maybe see you at the Norton Malreward one next Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

I was talking to a woman a Domestic Violence practitioner's day. She told me she was going to crufts at the weekend, with a couple of IrisSetters. Told me all about the bollocks that is called judging etc. In between police statistics, it made for a very pleasent interlude


Ladybristol said...

Yeah. Like dogs sniff other dogs bums, some judges have their bums sniffed alot too!!